Kalkadoona Distant, 1910

Photo © Matthew Bulbert, Australian Museum

Type species:

Kalkadoona centromaculata Distant, 1910 by monotypy.

Number of Australian species:


Extralimital Distribution:


Australian Distribution:

Temperate, subtropical and arid regions; Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory.




Kalkadoona enchylaenae and Kalkadoona pallida associated with Enchylaena tomentosa [CHENOPODIACEAE] Ruby Saltbush.



Body mostly yellow to light brown or medium to dark brown, some species with a mottled appearance. Venter of body same as dorsum, with dark brown to black broad markings. Antennae same as body, all segments concolorous.


Pronotum and scutellum densely and uniformly punctate.




Body - Elongate-ovoid; dorsally flattened. Length 4.0 mm -7.4 mm, width 2.6 mm -5.6 mm

Head - Subtriangular in shape; head shorter or longer than the pronotum, moderately dorsoventrally orientated ; jugae equal to or longer than clypeus, apically free (not meeting) or joined (meeting), anterior margin pointed or rounded, laterally carinate, without processes; antennifer processes present; five antennal segments; first antennal segment shorter than distance between eyes, slightly swollen; bucculae elongate (posteriorly beyond antennifers); vertex flattened or convex; labium elongate, reaching between mid and hind coxae or extending to abdomen sternum III; eyes not stylate, directed laterally.

Pronotum - Hexagonal; calli well developed; humeral angles angulate or narrowly rounded; lateral margins carinate; anterolateral margins simple and straight, sinuate or concave; posterolateral and posterior margins straight or sinuate.

Scutellum - Triangular, elongate, apex narrowly rounded, lateral angles and medial scutellum with polished calli, not always well developed.

Thoracic sterna - Shallowly sulcate, without raised keel-like structures.

External efferent system - Well-developed, occupying most of metepisternum; peritreme elongate, tapered apically.

Hemelytra - Macropterous, extending just beyond apex of abdomen, membrane veins reticulate.

Legs - Tibiae sulcate.

Abdomen - Connexiva not visible beyond hemelytra; laterotergites unarmed; with a weak broad depression across sterna II and III.